…играть на нотах памяти словами несказанными чувствами избитыми и в одиночестве желать увидеть снова промахиваясь мимо клавиш сердца воспоминаниями резать жизнь на части не выпускать из рук пусть даже больно искать тебя в чужих мирах и битвах и раз за разом возвращать обратно и не дарить тебе других мелодий… © Kaito

Аниме: D.Gray Man
Музыка: Red - Pieces

Bitter Happiness

Приятно видеть столько знакомых аниме!
Big солянка №1
Аниме: 07-Ghost (TV), 5 Centimeters per Second, Afro Samurai: Resurrection (movie), Black Butler (TV), Bleach, Break the Ice - Britney Spears (music video), Chrono Crusade (TV), Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV). Cowboy Bebop - The Movie: Knockin' on Heaven's Door, D.Gray-man (TV), Death Note (TV), Ergo Proxy (TV), FLCL (Fooly Cooly), Fullmetal Alchemist (TV), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV), Ga-Rei -Zero- (TV), GANTZ, Ghost in the Shell, Girl Who Leapt Through Time The (Movie), Guin Saga (TV), Gundam Seed, Gunslinger Girl, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (TV), Kill Bill (O-Ren Ishii Anime Scenes), Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit (Music Video), Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The (TV) My HiME, Naruto, Naruto Shippūden (TV), Pale Cocoon (OAV), Paprika (Movie), Paranoia Agent School Days (TV), Shaman King, Shigofumi (TV), Shuffle!, So long, Mr. Despair (TV), Soul Eater (TV), Sumomomo Momomo (TV), Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (TV), Vampire Knight (TV), Voices of a Distant Star (Hoshi No Koe)
Музыка: Sixx A.M. - Life is Beautiful (Acoustic Version)


Big солянка № 2
Аниме: A Certain Magical Index (TV), Ah! My Goddess (Movie), Air, Betterman, Black Butler (TV), Black Cat (TV), Bleach, Cardcaptor Sakura: The Sealed Card (2nd Movie), Chobits, Chrono Crusade (TV), CLAMP in Wonderland 2 (OAV), Clannad (TV), Club to Death Angel Dokuro-Chan (TV), Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) Corpse Princess (TV), D.Gray-man (TV) DearS, Death Note (TV), Descendants of Darkness, FLCL (Fooly Cooly), Full Metal Panic, Fullmetal Alchemist (TV), Fushigi Yuugi, GetBackers, Gokudo: Swordsman Extraodinaire, Hunter X Hunter, Inu Yasha (TV), Kanon (TV - 2006), Kiddy Grade, King of Bandit Jing, Lucky Star (TV), Magic Knight Rayearth (TV Series 1), Mahoromatic, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The (TV), Monochrome Factor (TV), Naruto, Neo Angelique Abyss (TV), Origin ~Spirits of the Past~ (movie) Orphen, Ouran High School Host Club (TV) Pokemon (TV), Princess Tutu, Puni Puni Poemy, Puppet Princess, Ranma 1/2 OAVs, Revolutionary Girl Utena (TV), Romeo ? Juliet (TV), Ruin Explorers, Rune Soldier, Sailor Moon, Saiyuki: Reload (2nd Season), School Rumble, Seto no Hanayome (TV), Shakugan no Shana (TV), Shaman King, Shounen Onmyouji (TV), Shuffle!, Slayers (OVA), Slayers Revolution (TV), So long, Mr. Despair (TV), Soul Eater (TV), Soul Hunter (Houshin Engi), Tactics, Tales of Phantasia (OVA), Tales of the Abyss (TV), Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (TV), Trigun, Tsubasa Chronicle, Tsuyokiss - Cool?Sweet (TV), Utawarerumono, Weiss Kreuz, Knight Hunters OVA, xxxHOLiC - A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Movie), Yu Yu Hakusho, Zoku Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei, Zombie-Loan (TV)
Музыка: Madonna Ft. Justin Timberlake - Four Minutes
Награды: Best Dance на Anime Weekend Atlanta 2008


Комментарий автора: What can i say... A project i wanted to create long ago. Something sentimental. I always knew that my ideas were somewhat different from the others, even though they didn't believe me at all... Now, that project, was my time to shine. And... heh... considering that the word "shine" in the japanese language means "die", it seems that this amv could be something that would make me understand that i'm not good at editing at all, or make me a hero. And, till now, from the comments i watch, the second one starts to happen
Аниме: 07-Ghost (TV), 5 Centimeters per Second, Afro Samurai: Resurrection (movie), Black Butler (TV), Bleach, Break the Ice - Britney Spears (music video), Chrono Crusade (TV), Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV). Cowboy Bebop - The Movie: Knockin' on Heaven's Door, D.Gray-man (TV), Death Note (TV), Ergo Proxy (TV), FLCL (Fooly Cooly), Fullmetal Alchemist (TV), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV), Ga-Rei -Zero- (TV), GANTZ, Ghost in the Shell, Girl Who Leapt Through Time The (Movie), Guin Saga (TV), Gundam Seed, Gunslinger Girl, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (TV), Kill Bill (O-Ren Ishii Anime Scenes), Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit (Music Video), Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The (TV) My HiME, Naruto, Naruto Shippūden (TV), Pale Cocoon (OAV), Paprika (Movie), Paranoia Agent School Days (TV), Shaman King, Shigofumi (TV), Shuffle!, So long, Mr. Despair (TV), Soul Eater (TV), Sumomomo Momomo (TV), Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (TV), Vampire Knight (TV), Voices of a Distant Star (Hoshi No Koe)
Музыка: Sixx A.M. - Life is Beautiful (Acoustic Version)
